... bee ...

on Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

ohohohohohoho, we ( me n KK ) just kinda miss our mr. bowo.... he's during on bussines trip for 10 days, n today is the 7th. sooooo, this bento is our heart feel. we love n miss mr. bowo.

i put 2 bees ( made from boiled egg ), with heart shape ( made from carrot ) in the middle. Completed with fried tofu balls, cheese omelete, carrots flower, n chilli sauce.

Miz u yah...

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7 komentar:

Sysyl mengatakan...

wow...wow...wow...lucu bee-nya...aku nggak kepikiran bikin bee dari telur...hihihi...kreatif mbak...

Lia Chen mengatakan...

Oh so sweet! The bees are so adorable ... so which one is Mr. Bowo and which one is Mrs. Bowo hahaha :D Have a great weekend Menoq!

The Bargowo mengatakan...

@sysyl : makasih mbak. idenya dateng pas ngebelah telur rebus jadi 2.

@mbak lia: both are me n KK, with our heart to mr. bowo, hehehehehe..... something like saying "we love you mr. Bowo", hehehehehe

KidsDreamWork mengatakan...

Nice bees! They even have tiny little wings! :D

The Bargowo mengatakan...

@Kidsdreamwork : yes, they are.
Thank you for ur sweet comment

tata | bonitafood mengatakan...

Waaaahh... kita sehati lagi ni Mak Cik.Sama2 bikin tawon hehehe. So cute! Moga cepet ketemu lagi ma Mr. Bowo biar gak merana lageee huahahahah ^^v

The Bargowo mengatakan...

@tata: udah pulangb tuh pak bowo nya, hehehehe

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