
on Kamis, 01 April 2010

Spaghetti bolognese, pear, strawaberry, chicken sausage, cheese, 'meises' bread.

Well, i prepared for d spaghetti bolognese last night, as per Mbak Lia's suggestion, to prepare bento stuff a night before, so in the morning we only heat it before we pack it. ***thank u for ur nice suggestion, mbak Lia"

My husband is on duty trip at Bali, meanwhile, i cooked d spaghetti sauce for more than 2 portions ( me n KK ), so i packed d spaghetti for KK's cousin, Daffa, which is have same school with KK. Hope they like it.

4 komentar:

tata | bonitafood mengatakan...

Cute and yummy bento Mbak. Love those red strawberries :D. I do the same thing just like you and Mbak Lia do - preparing the food for bento in the night before and packing them in next morning; it saves our time a lot :D. O yea, you got an award from me, don't forget to pick it up ya :D

The Bargowo mengatakan...

@tata: ternyata qta sama yah....
i got an award?????? wuuuuuuuuwww, tengkyu ta :)

Lia Chen mengatakan...

This is cute and yummy too! Well done Menoq ... :) Nice orange background setting for the picture.

The Bargowo mengatakan...

@mbak lia: thank u for ur sweet comment mbak :). orange is our fave colour.

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